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We’ve translated our extensive research on Indigenous governance into helpful resources and tools to help you strengthen your governance practices.


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Oct 11 2023
The Ngangkari Program
The Ngangkari Program was developed in 1998 by the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjar...
Oct 11 2023
The Yiriman Project
The Yiriman Project was developed by the Elders of 4 Kimberly language groups; Nyikina, Mangal...
Oct 25 2023
Murdi Paaki values-based leadership
In 2019, Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA) published a document on their ‘lessons learned...
Nov 17 2016
Young people guiding The Marruk Project
The Marruk Project was awarded First Place in Category B of the 2014 Indigenous Governance Awa...
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Aug 16 2023
Developing your leaders
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should be aware that this video may contain imag...
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Nov 16 2016
IUIH on the challenges of shared governance
The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is a great example of an organisation adaptin...
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