Effective governance means having rules, structures and processes capable of achieving your objectives We look at AIGI’s principles for effective Indigenous governance, and three other models that can be cus...
How Yawuru cultural values and practices inform their governance
Understand Indigenous Governance
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should be aware that this video may contain images and voices of persons who have passed.
Nyamba Buru Yawuru (NBY) is a not-for-profit company owned by the Yawuru Native Title holders through a corporate group structure. The company was the Category A Winner in the 2018 Indigenous Governance Awards. In this video, Peter Yu, CEO and Nini Mills, Community Development Manager, explain how Yawuru cultural values and practices are embodied in the philosophy mabu liyan (good spirit). They talk about how this serves as a cultural base that informs what they do, how they do it, and how it informs their governance.