Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa’s (KJ) governance structure is unique, reflecting its commitment to shared leadership and community-driven decision-making KJ’s board of directors ensure equitable representation from...
NPY Women’s Council: How NPY governance works
NPY Women's Council: How NPY governance works
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should be aware that this video may contain images and voices of persons who have passed.
A board might be gender-based. The NPY Women’s Council looks to ‘women’s authority, law and culture’ to deliver their vision and services.1Andrea Mason, “NPY Women’s Council – Governance Acumen,” Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council, published February 2019, [link]
The NPY Women’s Council won the 2012 Indigenous Governance Awards (IGA). In this video, NYP Women’s Council Chairperson, Yanyi Bandicha, and Coordinator, Andrea Mason, explain how their governance works.