This tool will help you develop an internal process to plan for the future transition of board directors or members of your group Different exercises in this tool will prompt you to consider differently types of k...
Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ)
Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) is a Martu organisation established in 2005 to work with Martu to build strong, sustainable communities. They do this through a range of cultural, environmental, and social initiatives. The Martu are the traditional owners of a large part of central Western Australia, extending from the Great Sandy Desert in the north to around Wiluna in the south. Having worked with Martu for over a decade, KJ recognises the importance of combining skills and knowledge of staff and local communities to achieve the best results.
“Working with old people in the front. KJ is just the driver but oldies are leading the way”– Martu elder, ‘Think Martu. Think Differently. Act Differently. How KJ works with Martu,’ 2021.1Social Ventures Australia Consulting, Think Martu. Think Differently. Act Differently – Evaluation of KJ Against Martu Outcomes, (Social Ventures Australia Consulting, 2021), 16. [link]
In 2021, KJ’s organisational values were reviewed by a small group of Martu and KJ staff. Together, they discussed and agreed on a set of words that reflected their shared vision on how KJ should run. The following eight organisational values represent how Martu and non-Indigenous individuals should work together. They are:
Walyja – Family: People working together and identifying personally with this work as one would with family.
Ngaparrji-Ngaparrji – Respect: Martu and non-Martu can work strongly together if they respect each other and act with respect towards each other.
Minyirrpa – Being serious: Taking matters seriously, ‘not playing games’ and being ‘real about it’.
Yiltanyju – Honesty: Talking to and dealing straight with each other, Government and others.
Kujungka – Partnership: Martu and non-Martu working together as equals, with complementary skills and knowledge.
Warrkamu – Participation: By building a culture of participation in Martu communities, individual Martu will be supported and strengthened.
Yiwarra – Building: Creating the future that Martu people want, that strengthens Martu society and engages confidently and effectively with mainstream society.
Nyakuma nintirri – Reflection: Combining action with reflection, to learn as we go.
Each value begins with a word in Martu language, as chosen by members of the Martu Leadership Program. While the Martu words are not direct translations of the English words, they embody the essence of each value as it relates to Martu concepts. KJ’s recognised commitment to these 8 values translates into meaningful actions and behaviours, including respecting Elders, encouraging participation, and working alongside Martu as equals.2Social Ventures Australia Consulting, Think Martu. Think Differently. Act Differently – Evaluation of KJ Against Martu Outcomes, (Social Ventures Australia Consulting, 2021), 4-5. [link]