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Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services (CAAPS) creating cultural security through policies and procedures
CAAPS creating cultural security through policies and procedures
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The Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services (CAAPS) is a family-focused therapeutic service. This focus extends to their staff. In their employment contracts and policies, CAAPS makes sure that staff can take the time to attend to cultural or family matters. For example:
- cultural leave for ceremonial purposes
- leave to attend to sorry business
- leave for those who are affected by family or domestic violence (that does not impact personal leave)
- flexible working arrangements to care for family – such as caring for grandchildren.
“Culture is threaded through the way we run our organisation from the strategic planning processes, to the CEO’s position description as well as the intent to provide cultural security to staff and clients by ensuring a high proportion of our staff are Aboriginal, especially those who work in client facing support roles.”
– Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services (CAAPS)