Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) is committed to safeguarding the authority and control for Martu people over their rich cultural heritage; as well as ensuring their accessibility for current and future generations Throu...
Self-determination means Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are ‘in the driver’s seat’ and have genuine decision-making power and responsibility over their governance This factsheet offers an over...
Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) Partnership Principles The Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) facilitates partnerships and interactions with government and other external stakeholders on behalf of the Nga...
“Strong tree, strong people, strong culture The sun, the leaves, the branches, the flowers, the seeds, the water and the bark are all parts of governance The trunk of the big tall tree is an elder...
Daryle Rigney, Simone Bignall, Alison Vivian, Steve Hemming, Shaun Berg and Damein Bell explain the role of treaty in Ngarrindjeri nation rebuilding, and how treaty discussions helped support and guide their natio...
The Ngarrindjeri Nation consists of eighteen tribes Although each tribe has its own defined territory, the nation has a formal governing council, the Tendi, and more recently a peak body known as the Ngarrindjeri...
This tool will help you decide where your group is on the ladder of self-governance As you look at the ladder, think about what rung of the ladder you want to be Make a list of the plans, processes or tools you ne...
The Ngarrindjeri Nation in South Australia has used IPOA principles to regain control of their future and help dismantle ongoing effects of colonialism: “To structure our narrative of Ngarrindjeri nation buildin...