The bushfire season of 2019-20, commonly referred to as the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires, stands as a significant natural disaster in Australian history Its scale and intensity had far-reaching consequence...
Aligning practice with cultural perspectives and values
Yappera is a multi-functional Aboriginal Children’s Service catering to children and families. It’s vision is for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to have the right and opportunity to reach their potential through access and participation in the highest quality care and education programs within a cultural setting which strengthens their identity, cultural resilience, health and wellbeing.
Yappera’s programs, practices and protocols align with local cultural perspectives and values. Cultural values are reflected within Yappera’s philosophy, vision, purpose, values and philosophy of community control.
The current members elected on the Yappera Children’s Service Board of Management are all Aboriginal including the Chief Executive Officer who is appointed by the board of management. Yappera employs a high percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to work within the programs, ensuring the cultural content remains consistent. This ensures that all the operations, protocols, practices and decision making links back to culture, child first perspectives and family values.
Culture is embedded within the Service through its design, Aboriginal governance structure, membership base and links with the communities around Victoria. Aboriginal culture is also reflected through the delivery of education programs, practices and resources used within the Service. An information board has also been developed in the foyer area that highlights the history of Yappera and reflects the theoretical beliefs and perspectives of the founding members, management and staff. This also demonstrates how these beliefs link to Aboriginal culture and the importance of educating through culture for children and families.