Topic: Your people


We look at some of the different relationships that you are likely to encounter when working in, with or for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander group. We consider what a healthy relationship looks like, and how you can work to build and maintain them. We look at the networked governance style typical of First Relationships


In this topic, we discuss how to attract and retain staff. This includes employing and investing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. We also look at ways you can develop your staff and create a healthy workplace culture. Attracting and retaining staff Attracting and retaining talented and hard-working staff is crucial for effective governance. Staff

CEO and managers

In this topic, we look at the role and responsibilities of managers and the chief executive officer (CEO). We also discuss the importance of separation of powers, and how a CEO and board should interact. Management in an organisation Management is about getting, managing and using resources to achieve an agreed goal. These resources can CEO and managers


In this topic, we look at the important role members play in an organisation, community or nation. We also focus on what it means to be a member of an organisation and discuss some of the rights that people have as an organisation member. Your members Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups in Australia operate Members

Your key players

Whether your group is informal or formal, incorporated or unincorporated, at its core are people. Each person has their own roles and responsibilities, and relationships with one another. In this topic, we introduce the key players in an organisation, community or nation. These are your board, management, staff and community members. Governance is a bit Your key players

Your people overview

In this section, we discuss the core roles and responsibilities of your people. Because many groups today exercise their self-governance through incorporated organisations, we focus this section on the key people who take on governing roles and responsibilities in such organisations, and their relationships with each other. This includes your board, directors, management, staff and Your people overview