Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation
The Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation (ALPA) is an Aboriginal-owned and managed organisation which provides benefits to its members through running community retail stores.
The Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal Corporation (ALPA) is an Aboriginal-owned and managed organisation which provides benefits to its members through running community retail stores.
Western Desert Dialysis was established by people from the Pintupi Luritja language group to improve the lives of people suffering from end stage renal failure and to strengthen families and communities by helping people to return home to their remote communities on dialysis.
Scotdesco’s objectives are to provide employment, housing, education and training, social and recreation activities and health and welfare services and opportunities for people of Aboriginal descent who live or work in Bookabie, South Australia.
Yappera is a multi-functional Aboriginal Children’s Service catering to children and families. It’s vision is for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to have the right and opportunity to reach their potential through access and participation in the highest quality care and education programs within a cultural setting which strengthens their identity, cultural resilience, health and wellbeing.
Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (KALACC) is the Kimberley Region’s Peak Indigenous Law and Culture Centre. KALACC’s mission is the maintenance and promotion of the traditional cultures of the 30 language groups of the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
The Yiriman Project was conceived and developed by the elders of four Kimberly language groups; Nyikina, Mangala, Karajarri and Walmajarri. The elders were concerned about their young people and issues of self-harm and substance abuse and saw the need for a place where youth could separate themselves from negative influences, and reconnect with their culture in a remote and culturally significant place.
WYDAC aims to be the primary social services provider for youth and family services within each of the four remote Warlpiri communities of Lajamanu, Willowra, Nyirripi and Yuendumu.
Established in 2004 in Warakurna, a tiny community in the remote Ngaanyatjarra lands of Western Australia, Warakurna Artists is a locally owned and managed Indigenous arts enterprise that supports the production and marketing of diverse, colourful, culturally intense and artistically rich works of art.