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The Indigenous Governance Awards share the success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations from around Australia...
The Indigenous Governance Awards share the success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations from around Australia...
This resource provides a checklist of principles for effective governance (pdf, 139kb) Review the questions and answer them honestly based on your knowledge and experience with your organisation’s governance...
Culture is the collective beliefs, values, rules and customs that inform a group’s way of life This factsheet offers an overview of Your culture For more in-depth knowledge, explore the additional resources in...
Governance gives an organisation, community or nation the ways and means to achieve the things that matter to them It’s about how groups work together to achieve shared goals This factsheet offers an overview o...
Building or rebuilding governance is about selecting a governance model that suits your group’s unique purpose It involves making decisions about whether to incorporate and coming up with a set of strong and cul...
Whether your group is formal or informal, incorporated, or unincorporated, at its core are people These include directors, managers and staff members who each take on different governing roles and responsibilities...
Leadership is the art of motivating people towards a common goal or to ‘get things done’ It’s also about providing guidance and direction This factsheet offers an overview of Leadership For more in-depth kno...
Women play an important role in strengthening their families and groups Harnessing their skills, cultural knowledge and experience makes governance healthier and stronger This factsheet offers an overview of First...
Systems and plans are what help your everyday governance be most effective Think about how you can set up strong policies and procedures in key areas of governance, including communication, meetings and decision-m...
Effective financial management is a critical foundation for managing your resources wisely It can promote economic development and self-determination for your group This factsheet offers an overview of Financial m...
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