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Feature CATSI Act Corporations Act Company structure Corporation Company limited by guarantee (most common structure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups) Naming Business name must include the w...
Feature Incorporated Unincorporated Activities A separate legal entity that can do things in its own name: open a bank account arrange insurance sign documents enter into contracts (for example, to e...
– Diagram adapted from Miriam Jorgensen, University of Arizona and University of Melbourne, Distinguishing Indigenous nation, Indigenous governance and Indigenous governing capacity, 20151Miriam Jorgensen, cited...
Illustration titled ‘Bandiayan: the continent’ by David Mowaljarlai reproduced from the book Yorro Yorro: Everything Standing Up Alive by David Mowaljarlai and Jutta Malnic, Magabala Books, 1993...
Roles in a game of Marngrook Governance roles Coach and senior coaching staff The coach and coaching staff set the game plan This is the strategies and tactics for the game and premiership season During t...
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