Webinar: Introduction to Two-way Indigenous Governance

Explore two-way governance, integrating Indigenous cultural values with mainstream frameworks. Discuss benefits and challenges of implementing two-way governance. 

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Indigenous Governance Training and the CATSI Act Review.
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Event Group: Masterclass

Indigenous Youth in Governance Masterclass

The Indigenous Youth in Governance Masterclass will bring together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 18 – 35 to connect, share experiences and learn about culturally-informed and community-centred governance, in an interactive one-day workshop.

2019 Indigenous Governance Excellence Masterclass

The Australian Indigenous Governance Institute (AIGI) will convene an Indigenous Governance Excellence Masterclass in October this year. The Masterclass will combine guest speakers, presentations and interactive workshops on areas of Indigenous Governance. It will cover themes such as cultural legitimacy, innovation, best practice and succession planning. It will cover critical areas in Indigenous Governance.