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Explore two-way governance, integrating Indigenous cultural values with mainstream frameworks Discuss benefits and challenges of implementing two-way governance ...
Facilitating Collaboration
Finalist, Category A
The aspect most valued by Working Group members and community residents is that it is a collaborative effort with everyone working together as a team to achieve positive, tangible outcomes. The Working Group actively facilitate collaboration through representation and communication strategies.
Supporting Future Leaders
Finalist, Category C
The aspect most valued by Working Group members and community residents is that it is a collaborative effort with everyone working together as a team to achieve positive, tangible outcomes. The Working Group actively facilitate collaboration through representation and communication strategies.
Design for the Local Context
Finalist, Category B
The aspect most valued by Working Group members and community residents is that it is a collaborative effort with everyone working together as a team to achieve positive, tangible outcomes. The Working Group actively facilitate collaboration through representation and communication strategies.