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Do activity 51 to create your own asset map The goal is to map out the strengths that you can use to build or improve your group’s governance...
Do activity 51 to create your own asset map The goal is to map out the strengths that you can use to build or improve your group’s governance...
Use activities 21 and 22 to reflect on your governance history and draw lessons for the future...
Do activities 31 and 32 to define your purpose and develop your purpose statement The goal of these activities is to realise the fundamental reason your group exists Make sure your purpose is clear and easy to und...
Do activity 11 to reflect on your group’s identity The goal of this activity is to map out what makes your group distinct Keep in mind that your answers will be unique and may relate to more than one of the...
Do activity 12 to identify the doers and beneficiaries in your group...
In 2012, the Alekarenge traditional owners received compensation from the federal government This was for compulsory five-year leases taken out by the community during the Northern Territory Emergency Response1In...
Source: Interaction Institute for Social Change | Artist: Angus Maguire...
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